Acid Diet Dangerous for Health And Body

PH imbalance may be a common cause of many of today's diseases

Is obesity the number one cause of most of today’s ills? Are meat-eaters more at risk for cancer? Nutrutional imbalances a number one killer? Or is it our genetic pre-disposition.

Perhaps none of the above. Underlying many of the above questions is one unifying theme, increasingly recognized by both traditional medical practitioners and alternative health care-givers. Research seems to anecdotally—and in some cases empirically—support the most popular “cause” theory in health care. Imbalance of body PH was first identified in 1933 by a New York doctor named William Howard Hay, who published a ground-breaking book, A New Health Era in which he maintained that all disease is caused by autotoxication (or "self-poisoning") due to acid accumulation in the body.

Many degenerative or chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis are found to be present where there is excess acidity in the body. Since the body is designed to maintain a constant PH of 7.4 (neutral), by using acid and alkaline minerals from bones, muscles, and body fluids, a heavily acid diet can cause imbalances and stress on the body, leading—according to some experts—to disease.

An imbalance in body PH, almost always too much acid, is commonly cited with being an underlying cause of many of today’s biggest problems in health care:

Bladder and kidney conditions
Cancerous mutations
Cardiovascular damage
Chronic fatigue
Lactic acid buildup, joint pain, aching muscles
Immune deficiency
Osteoporosis or weak and brittle bones
Premature aging
Slow digestion and elimination issues
Tooth decay
Weight gain, obesity
Yeast/fungal overgrowth.

* Excess acid is fairly common today due to a number of major issues:

* Stress and lack of sleep increases free radicals and acid

* High protein diets, particularly heavy on meats and dairy, are high in acid

* The majority of “junk” or “fast” food (deep fried foods, potatoes, meats) are high in acid and over cooking or heavy frying can increase free radicals

Lack of balance in diet, for example not enough vegetables or fruit which trend towards alkality, may mean that a stressed over acid body cannot compensate for the dangerous condition by neutralizing with intakes of alkalizing agents (see list of acid and alkalyzing foods in this feature.)

Too much acid—which is easily tested with PH strips inexpensively available at most pharmacies—will likely weaken all body functions, systems and organs according to most nutritionists, and many researchers and doctors An acid “environment” is a “good” environment for disease. A neutral (PH 7) environment is ideal and eliminates free radicals while keeping the body’s systems healthy. Many anecdotal studies, for example, have linked increases in cancer to high acid diets.

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source: officialwire

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