Faulty habits that contribute to Insomnia

Anxiety, too many things to think about, stress,drinking too much coffee are some good reasons why people can’t sleep. Not getting enough sleep puts one at risk of chronic illnesses like hypertension and depression. And if this happens almost everyday, you need to seek medical help. And the obvious immediate action given is the sleeping pill!

All sleeping pills have untoward side effect and the most problematic of all is their potential for causing dependence mainly psychological dependence, not physical. There are also others that have a severe effect in a person. Natural way of fighting insomnia is still the best way.

Here are some tips:
Treatment of insomnia, includes giving up faulty sleeping habits and developing good sleeping habits. Faulty habits that contribute to insomnia:

1. Going to bed when you are wide-awake and your body and mind don’t want to do anything with sleeping.

2. Staying in bed awake very long, even though you can't fall sleep. Occupying the mind with problem solving, thinking, worrying makes mind more awake.

3. Lying in bed awake and trying harder to go to sleep only increases anxiety and frustration which makes the sleeping problem worse.

4. Oversleeping in the morning on weekdays or weekends may not be a problem for others but it has a harmful effect on a person with insomnia.

5. Reading a book or watching TV in bed induces sleep in some people, but if you don’t fall asleep in 30 minutes, it can make your sleep problem worse.

6. If you fall asleep in places, other than your bed, you get out of the habit of sleeping in bed.

Good sleeping habits may induce sleep.

1. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, four to six hours before bed time.

2. Avoid smoking near bedtime and upon awaking during night.

3. Avoid a heavy meal, a light snack before bedtime may be sleep inducing.

4. Avoid exercise within 3 to 4 hours of bedtime. On the other hand, exercise in the late afternoon may deepen sleep.

5. Minimize light, noise, and excessive temperature during sleep by using ear plugs, window blinds, electrical blanket/ air conditioner, etc.

6. Spend no more than 8 hours in bed every night.

7. If you should take a daytime nap, keep it less than an hour and complete it before 3 p.m.

8. Go to bed only when you are sleepy.

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