Supplements or Foods For Good Body Built

It is better for you to have both supplements and healthy foods to have a good built because all of these are all complete which our body needs. There are many factors that could be considered but these will go a long way to making sure you stay healthy and greatly enhance your resistance to illness and disease.

There are common and inexpensive supplements be it both vitamin and mineral that we all need to take on a regular basis to help maintain resistance and make sure that our bones, blood, brain and nervous system are all working correctly.

We all need taking a good whole food multivitamin on a daily basis to make sure that we are getting all the essential nutrients from complete whole food sources as the body is meant to.

VITAMIN C per day is three doses every six hours (Morn, noon, Eve)

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which can not be stored in the organs or fatty tissues as fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, and E can.

VITAMIN D be sure to get enough sunlight exposure on a daily basis.

ZINC is a vital mineral that due to food processing too low in the human diet today. It has powerful resistant enhancing properties especially when taken with extra selenium on a regular basis.

SELENIUM is a vital and essential mineral and is totally devoid from the human diet because of modern farming methods.

VITAMIN B complex provides potent anti-oxidant protection to the body and mostly to the cells of the brain and central nervous system.

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