Raw Honey Capable in Rescuing People During Crisis

Raw honey, produced with the guidance of God, is more efficient than medical emergency services in rescuing people during crisis. The crises where the use of honey is indispensable are as follow:

Burns: A man was quoted in Honey and Your Health by Dr. F. Bodog Beck, MD to have said the following about the mysterious healing powers of honey: ”In the winter of 1933, I heated a boiler of about 35 gallons of water. When I opened the cover, it flew with great force against the ceiling. The vapour and the water poured forth over my unprotected head, over my hands and feet. Some minutes afterward I had violent pain and I believe I would have gone mad if my wife and daughter had not helped me immediately.

”They took large pieces of linen, daubed them thickly with honey and put them on my head, neck, hands and feet. Almost instantly the pain ceased. I slept all night and did not lose a single hair on my head. When the physician came he shook his head and said how such a thing could be possible.”

But what could be the result of burn accident where a family does not have raw honey at home? In November 2005, a colleague of my wife lost her one year old child who dipped his hand into boiling water. The child died in the hospital few days after the incident. The bereaved mother would not have lost her child and N21,000 as medical bills if she had a jar of honey at home also knew that honey is nature‘s most miraculous dressing for wounds, ulcers and burns.

Snake and dog bites. Many people have lost their lives in our country through dog bites due to lack of vaccines or ineffectiveness of the drugs for this emergency health situation. A study reported in the Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences, July-December 2005 showed that the potency of rabies vaccines available in the country were below the WHO‘s standard.

Worse, the rural parts of the country where people are more prone to dog bites lack the vaccines. Severe rabies outbreak killed many children in Luanda, Angola in 2009 due to shortage of vaccines in the city‘s main paediatric hospital. There has been a global shortage of human rabies vaccines since 2007 when Sanofi Pasteur began renovating its factory. But has God ever closed the production line (bees) of honey?

Similarly a lot of people have died from snake bites in the northern part of the country, especially Sokoto and Bauchi states, due to lack of anti-snake venom vaccines in the hospitals. A corps member serving in Kwara State recently died from snake bite even after receiving treatment for four days at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. The doctors‘ excuse for the boy‘s death was that they did not know the specie of snake that bit him. This is like asking a man the registration number of a car that knocked him down.

Doiscorides, in his writings as far back as 1539, said honey was effective for rabies resulting from dog bite and poisons of snake bites and poisonous mushroom. I have found this to be absolutely true. In 2005, a boy was bitten by a snake in Egbe, outskirts of Lagos and his parents rushed him to a nearby hospital.

Unfortunately, there was no anti- snake venom vaccine in the hospital, but the doctor, a friend, remembered that I once told him about the efficacy of honey for snake or dog bite. He gave the boy part of his honey, and few minutes later the boy vomited the snake poison. That was the end of the crisis that would have consumed him.

Stroke: Time is brain when it comes to reversing stroke. Victims can suffer brain damage, permanent disability or die if appropriate treatment is not administered within 72 hours after stroke. But only honey alone or honey with some other natural foods can reverse stroke within this time limit. Whether a stroke is ischemic caused by blockade of blood vessel that supplies the brain or hemorrhagic - when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and bleeds into the brain, honey can come to your rescue. A study at the University of Minnesota, United States of America indicated that honey has anti- haemorrhage (anti-bleeding) value. Therefore, hemorrhagic stroke can be prevented or reversed with the right application of raw honey.

Honey can also ward off or reverse stroke precipitated by blockage of blood vessels in the brain because it contains high level of plaque-fighting antioxidants to protect the heart and blood vessels against damage that can induce clotting. About 80 per cent of stroke is triggered by arteries clogged by cholesterol, but a study done by Dr. Nicki Engeseth, associate professor of food chemistry, University of Illinois, USA, showed that honey fights cholesterol as effective as fruits and vegetables.

source: punching

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