Resting More Important Than Exercise For Optimal Health

Can you imagine a workout routine that focuses just as much on rest as it does on exertion? How about if you can get results in just 10 minutes—instead of 60? Those may be great selling points, but the best part is, the results you’ll get —from dropping the fat, to building lean muscle, to improving the strength of your heart and lungs — far outweigh any cardio workout you can do.

This one-of-kind program called PACE® has been designed by THB’s own Dr. Al Sears. It stands for Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion. And it flies in the face of what we’re used to hearing about exercise — like more is better.

Long periods of intense exertion, like “cardio” or “aerobic” training, reduce muscle mass. This has been proven by a study that shows the muscles of marathon runners actually shrink and atrophy. Worse, it’s been found that their heart and lungs are “downsized” in order to go further… more efficiently… with less rests… and less fuel.

Why is this bad? Instead of building heart strength, it robs you of vital reserve capacity. So when you place sudden extra demands on your heart, it can’t keep up. This sets the stage for a heart attack. And it’s been proven by many accomplished runners that have “dropped dead” of heart failure after a long run.

Here’s why PACE® is far superior for your heart. It’s designed around short bursts of intense exertion that mimic the demands placed on our ancient ancestors. Whether escaping danger or capturing prey, human beings developed a physiology that could provide quick, explosive power instantly.

These short bursts of energy increase your heart’s reserve capacity. They provide you with bigger, faster cardiac output that’s immediately available when you really need it. But that’s not all. The PACE® program also helps you lower fat and triglyceride levels in your blood —another factor for heart disease. Compare that to long distance runners. A groundbreaking study showed that after a workout, their LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides increased.

Amazing, isn’t it? Almost everything we’ve learned for decades about exercise and heart health is now proving to be totally false. In my next PACE® article, I’ll set the record straight on the most effective way to lose the excess fat. As you might guess, it’s not with aerobics.

source: totalhealthbreakthroughs

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