How To Prevent A Sudden Cardiac Arrest

sudden cardiac death
Cardiac arrest, is used to describe a situation in which the heart abruptly and without warning stops working, so no blood can be pumped to the rest of the body. It is responsible for half of all heart disease deaths.

1 out of 2 people die of cardiovascular disease in America. You can greatly reduce the risk of having a sudden heart attack.

Sudden Cardiac Death - Basic Facts

* SCD is also called sudden cardiac arrest. It is not the same as a heart attack.

* Sudden cardiac death (SCD) causes half of all heart disease deaths.

* In SCD, electrical problems keep the heart from pumping the right way. Then, suddenly, the heart stops working. (In a heart attack, a blockage in blood vessels slows or stops blood flow.)

* Treating someone in SCD requires “paddles” to shock the heart.

Healthy Tip

SCD often occurs in people who appear healthy, which can make it difficult to know who is at risk. Learn the risk factors. Preventing the causes of SCD is the best way of preventing deaths from SCD.

Common Risk Factors

* Same as heart disease risk factors (high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, inactivity, overweight, smoking, poor diet)

* Clogged arteries (coronary artery disease) or previous heart attack

* Heart rhythm problems

* An abnormal heart rate or rhythm of unknown cause

* An unusually rapid heart rate that comes and goes, even when the person is at rest

* Fainting for no know reason

* A low ejection fraction (a measure of how much blood pumps with each heartbeat)

Healthy Choice
Prevent, monitor and treat the conditions — like clogged arteries and heartbeat abnormalities (arrhythmias) — that can lead to SCD. Live a heart-healthy lifestyle, get regular check ups, and report any health concerns to a doctor.

The simplest way to prevent a sudden heart attack is to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight through a comprehensive weight loss program.

Healthy Diet
To prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and a long list of other diseases we need to eat a healthy diet. This may be simple and redundant but the beginning of all of our health problems start with what we put into our bodies. Would you put sugar and water into your gas tank and expect your car to run? Of course not. Yet this is how we treat our bodies. We eat junk food and fast food almost exclusively. We drink alcohol and smoke and wonder why we are sick and pray that God cures us of our diseases.

But we need to take ownership of our health and eat right. Our diets need to be high fiber and low fat. That equates to us eating primarily fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans. If you must eat meat make it lean. Drink plenty of water.

A diet full of unsaturated, unhealthy fat, sugar, salt will clog your arteries among other things and increase the risk of you to have a sudden heart attack. Fat is a major culprit here.

Exercise Regularly
Simply put regular exercise burns fat. Excess fat is the key factor in causing a sudden heart attack. You get the excess fat by what you put into your body and what stays there. If you can not eliminate it or burn it off it will stay with you. We know this as becoming overweight or even obese. This is also the cause of many diseases including heart disease.

Cardiovascular exercise strengthens your heart muscles and may help you lose weight. Cardio exercise by itself is ineffective in burning sufficient fat. You must include resistance training to burn fat and even release helpful hormones and chemicals that are good for a heart healthy lifestyle.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
I think we answered this through eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. When we are overweight or obese we build up fat throughout our bodies. Even though fat primarily accumulates around our waist, it will also build up around all of our organs. As fat builds up around our organs and throughout our bodies it hampers the proper functioning of every internal organ, especially our cardiovascular system.

Fat surrounds the heart and the blood vessels. Fat also gets into our blood increasing its density and making it harder to pump. One Doctor mentioned blood full of fat and fatty oils can be as thick as toothpaste. No wonder people have sudden heart attacks. We really do not care. If we did we would not eat the way we do and we would exercise more.

To lose weight you need to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and use natural nutritional supplements. Your comprehensive weight loss plan is a key to a long and healthy life where you can prevent a sudden heart attack, prevent cancer, prevent diabetes and many other diseases.

sources: ehow

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