Cheek exercise for cute and good looking face

cheek exercise
Do you want a lovely, cute and good-looking face? Are you tired of you and your face because of those shadows and wrinkles? Do you want that your face should be unforgotten to others? Definitely your answer to the entire above question would be in affirmative.

Since impression counts and your face is the biggest asset you have, which people notice first and hence you will definitely like to give your face an attractive and elegant look. But how is it possible, by applying those cosmetics or for opting to plastic surgery or else?

By following these few exercises religiously you will have a young and dazzling look without going for surgery or face-lift.

Face exercises for the cheeks

Hanging skin, forming that hang-dog look, is very aging. The next exercises, if done regularly, will assist in lifting and firming the cheeks, and will promote an anti-aging and ageless look.

Cheek exercise 1

Do sit upright with lips closed but relaxed and pucker and pout your lips using your cheek muscles. (Make use your fingers to make sure that you are using your cheek muscles). Then, keep your lips puckered for a count of 10 and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Cheek exercise 2

Now, with your lips closed, smile a relaxed smile, and then suck your cheeks toward and on to your teeth. Then, hold this position for 10 counts and then relax. Repeat 10 times.

Cheek exercise 3

Glance into a mirror while doing this exercise and pucker your top lip, turning the corners of your lips upwards and move your cheek muscles toward your eyes. Also, you should at this stage get your top lip to touch your nose. Then, keep this position for 10 counts and then relax. Reiterate the exercise 10 times.

Cheek exercise 4

Stare in the mirror while doing this exercise. Then, smile as widely as possible (while keeping your lips closed and mouth corners turned up). Strive to get the corners of your mouth to touch your ears. After that wrinkle your nose and see your cheek muscles move upwards and feel these muscles work. Maintain this position for a count of 5 and then relax.
Repeat 10 times.

Cheek exercise 5

Maintain your teeth and lips closed and blow air under your top lip and keep it there for 10 counts, then move the trapped air to your left cheek for 10 counts, then your right cheek for 10, then your lower lip and hold for 10. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

Benefits: These face exercise will fill out the cheek hollows, firm the face and lift.

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