Beware Of These Cancer Signs!

The worst and deadly disease after heart attack is cancer. This life threatening disease has become wide spread and most common in all ages of life. Apart from the common types of cancer like that of Breast Cancer and Prostrate cancer, the other types which are raging is the throat cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer, stomach cancer, brain cancer , bone cancer etc. Recently there has been a research which said that these cancers are usually the cause of the environment and the food we consume.

For many of those who were diagnosed with cancer found it difficult to believe as they did not know the shocking signs and symptoms that came along with this deadly disease.

So beware, if you come across these signs and act immediately as it is said the earlier treated there is better chance of survival!

Stated below are some of the cancer signs/symptoms to keep in mind, so regular health checkups are important.

1.Fever – It is one common illness where one would not differentiate, but if it is a fever that is unexplained then you should be on a high alert. It is usually said that fever in cancer occurs when it has spread to the immune system thus making the body to fight the infections caused by the fever. For cancers like that of blood cancer, fever is the one of the earliest cancer signs.

2.Pain – It can be a normal pain in the lower back, leg or any part of the body in fact. So if there is unusual pain in a certain part of the body it can be a cancer sign. It is said that persistent back pain can be the onset of colon, ovary or even rectum cancer. Whereas the constant pain in the head can be an early cancer symptom of the brain. So regular health checkup is a must especially now since this deadly disease is spreading.

3.Wound – If you have a wound or sore which is just not healing, check up for diabetes! If all is clear a cancer test should be done at the earliest in order to start on treatment as a wound which does not heal with a changed color can be an early cancer sign. Other related signs on the skin can be that of extreme itchiness , reddening of the skin or a blackish pigmentation.

4.Weight Loss – If you are not under a diet plan and unexpected weight loss is found then it is important to go in for a health checkup. It is said that the common cancer symptom is when the patient continuously looses weight. This tends to happen with the onset of either lung, pancreas or stomach cancer.

5. Other Signs - The other cancer signs are that of unusual discharge from the body which can either be blood in the urine or stool , if there is difficulty and discomfort in swallowing food and water, abnormal growth on the skin and extreme signs of fatigue.

So beware and go for regular health checkups which can ward you away or get you on the right type of medication if you are facing any of these cancer symptoms stated above.

source: TOI

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