Sesame seeds inhibits colon cancer, effective in most diseases

Sesame seeds benefits
Sesame seeds are effective in eliminating most diseases and conditions

Sesame seeds are tiny, oil-bearing seeds of a plant native to tropical Asia. They are widely used in food manufacturing. For instance in breads and biscuits, and in vegetarian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The oil is also extracted commercially and used as a cooking oil. The seeds have nutty flavour.

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of protein, fibre, polyunsaturated oils, vitamins (especially E and B group) and minerals (particularly calcium).

Health benefits
It provides protein for tissue growth and repair. Fibre promotes regular bowel function and may help to prevent disease of the digestive system, including some cancers. They also supply polyunsaturated fats that are essential for health and which may help to lower blood cholesterol levels, if eaten in moderation. Eat some sesame seeds would remove worms from your intestinal tract.. Sesame seeds provide vitamins and minerals valuable for good health and protection against disease.

Sesame seeds protect our body from free radicals. Phytic acid present in these seeds inhibits colon cancer.

Breast enlargement – The seeds are found to be effective in enlargement and firming the women’s breast. The seeds can be consumed in food and its oil can be externally applied over breasts.

Half cup of sesame seeds contains 3 times more calcium than half cup of whole milk.

Sesame seeds may be eaten plain or roasted, added to vegetarian or other savoury and sweet dishes. They are used to make a Turkish sweetmeat called Halva – a form of honey and seed cake and the creamy sauce called tahini. The seeds are often used as a coating on bread or are toasted and sprinkled onto cereal.

Nutritive Value : Per 100 gm.

• Vitamin A : 15 I.U.
• Vitamin B : Thiamine 1.07 mg.;
• Niacin : 2.7 mg.;
• Also contain Vitamin E : amount unknown
• Calcium : 580 mg.
• Iron : 5.2 mg.
• Phosphorus : 308 mg.
• Potassium : 360 mg.
• Fat : 24gm.
• Carbohydrates : 10 gm.
• Protein : 9 gm.
• Calories : 280

Disadvantages: High in calories.

More on Health Foods

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