Varicose veins: Effective Treatment and Prevention

varicose veins
There are several topical preparations on the cosmetic shelves aimed at minimizing the appearance of spider veins and broken capillaries.
The majorities of creams has vitamin K as a major component and are able to form a transient clot in the vein. This improves the outer shell temporarily. However, the clot in time dissolves and the vein comes back.

Treatments for Varicose veins:

There are several strategies available for repairing varicose veins. The goal of each strategy is to destroy all or part of the vein and to detour blood flow through healthier blood vessels. These strategies include:

• Compression stockings have been shown to improve blood flow in leg veins

• Injection therapy (sclerotherapy) is recommended for patients with small varicose veins

• Laser surgery may be used for treatment of certain varicose veins

• Ambulatory phlebectomy can be used to remove smaller varicose veins through a series of tiny skin punctures under local anesthesia

• Vein ablation, also called saphenous vein ablation, is a catheter-based procedure that uses laser or radio frequency energy to close off varicose veins

• Vein stripping is a surgical treatment reserved for large varicose veins such as the greater saphenous vein of the leg

• Endoscopic vein surgery is typically reserved for advanced cases of vascular disease involving leg ulcers

Try to wear compression stockings which are often the first approach before to trying other treatments. These stockings are worn all day and steadily squeeze the legs as well as help the veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. Make sure when you buy those stockings, they fit you properly.

Other means of treatment are as follows:

Sclerotherapy - In this treatment, the doctor injects small- and medium-sized varicose veins with a solution and then after a few weeks, treated varicose veins should fade. However, it may need several sessions for the same vein to be injected more than once. Sclerotherapy does not need anesthesia and can be done in the doctor's office.

Laser surgeries - This works by sending strong bursts of light into the vein, which results to fading and disappearance of the varicose veins.

Make sure that you also watch what you wear and avoid wearing high heels. Try to wear low-heeled shoes because it helps to work calf muscles more that are better for the veins. Do not wear tight panty-leg girdles because it can cut off blood flow. Another is, as much as you can, avoid sitting or standing for long periods and try to move around for every 30 minutes.

source: mdinfo

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