Confused: Which water bottles to buy from grocery stores?

water bottles
You must have notice that in the grocery there are different kinds of bottled water available. What kind of water should I buy? What is the difference of the many bottled water available in the grocery? Confused.

We need to get enough water in order that our body system works well. I, myself was also amazed of the different water available in the market today. We can go without food for thirty to forty days, but without water, our life would end in three to five days.

I hope the information below would help you decide what kind of bottled water you would buy in your next stop to the grocery stores.

1. Mineral water is water containing not less than 250 parts per million (ppm) total dissolved solids, originating from a geologically and physically protected underground water source or spring that has been tapped at the spring opening. It has constant level of minerals and trace elements at its source.

2. Water that has been carbonated is evident on its sparkling appearance. Carbonated water is a healthy alternative to soda and alcoholic beverages as it contains less number of calories. This is the kind of water that contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had at emergence from the source.

3. Water that comes from an underground formation flowing naturally to the surface is what we called spring water. The location of the spring must be identified on the level of any water labeled spring water.

4. Well water comes from a hole bored, drilled, or otherwise constructed into the ground, which taps the water of an aquifer or an underground water source.

Just remember, we need enough water in our body to function it at its best. No medication will be effective if we are dehydrated. So drink your water regularly!

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