Beetroot Most Amazing Super Food

Beetroot known to have some fantastic health benefits

Beetroot a familiar vegetable of purple-red colour. The original wild plant is native to southern Europe but cultivated varieties are widely disturbed and can be grown in Britain. It is used as a food plant and for healing in herbal medicine.

Its an excellent source of fructose, vitamins (especially B9 and C), minerals (particularly potassium), carotenes, other active substances such as betacyanin (red pigment), starch and fibre.

Health Benefits
It contains valuable vitamins and minerals with properties essential for health. In traditional medicine beetroot is said to have anti-cancer properties and it may also act as a digestive stimulant. Although not consumed in Britain, the leaves are rich source of beta carotene, calcium and iron, which leaves are also used to treat various minor complaints, including toothache and headache.

Beet fiber has been shown to have cholesterol lowering capabilities. Betaine, a nutrient found in beets and some other foods lowers plasma homocysteine, a possible risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

In a study to determine the estimated Glycemic Index of various foods, it was concluded that beetroot has a medium GI of 64.

Cooking/serving method: usually boiled and cooked, and eaten as a salad vegetable or pickled in vinegar. Pickling decreases the vitamin and mineral content. Boiling until just tender enhances the vitamin levels. The pigment may betacyanin is commercially as a coloring agent. Sugar may also be extracted.

Disadvantages: some people are genetically unable to metabolize betacyanin, which then passes through the digestive system unchanged. If a lot of beetroot has been eaten, urine and stools may be tinged pink, which can cause alarm if mistaken for blood. The pigment is totally harmless, however.

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