Dawn Simulator Effective to Knock Down Winter Tiredness

Replace Your Alarm Clock with a Dawn Simulator

I don’t know about you, but in the old days, when I still used an alarm clock, the sound of the alarm had the power to ruin my day and zap my energy for hours after waking.

Of course, like most people, I probably didn’t recognize that this was one of the causes of my being tired so much, but just because it’s a hidden cause doesn’t mean it’s not a real one. Loud, jarring, and angry sounds waking you from what’s supposed to be restorative sleep will send a jolt f stress hormones careening through you body, leave you in a foul and resentful mood, and ruin your energy for hours afterward. Maybe even your whole day.

Fortunately, there’s an energizing solution. It’s called a dawn simulator. It works just as the name suggests, by gradually brightening a room over the course of about 30 minutes. It simulates the warming appearance of the gentle dawn, and slowly, gently brings you out of deep sleep, finally waking you wit a simulation of natural sunlight that’s bound to set the tone for your day and boost your energy for hours after you get out of bed. (Who wants to waste all that precious energy being mad at the world because your alarm clock woke you with all the subtlety of a bucket of ice water?

The drawn simulator is one of my favorite devices. I bought one of these for my beloved partner, Gracy, who, when I met her, was still using an alarm clock from the era of the Hng Dynasty, which woke you with a noise so annoying and intrusive it could frighten a herd of wildebeest. Not a great way to start the day if you want lots of energy.

Dawn simulators appear to help people wake up more easily in the winter. Many people use them as a supplement to a light visor, light box, or desk lamp program.

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