How to cure heel pain?

heel pain
Heel spur or Calcaneal spur, this is one of the most common causes of pain in the heel. The causes of this is weight gain, weak calf muscles tend to add pressure to the foot, improper footwear, sudden spurt of daily chores and Plantar fasciitis it indicates the inflammation of the tissue (plantar fascia) at the arch of the foot.

Doctors will ask to have your heel area x-rayed to confirm if there is really a spur or protruding tooth like a bone that is penetrating in the flesh of the heel.

What you need to do for the treatment of your pain in the heel:

· If your in pain apply cold and warm compress on the affected area

· Take pain relievers like ibuprofen or analgesics and anti-inflammatory are advisable in acute as well chronic cases.

· You should avoid walking barefoot, because shoes are a must to support the arch of the foot even when you are at home. Arch supports and heel cups cushion to the heel, and it can reduce the weight bearing on the foot during activities.

· Rest; staying off your feet it can help a lot. The intensity and the duration of activity and weight bearing should be reduced.

· Losing weight this can reduce the extra pressure that a plantar fascia bears with every step.

· You should have workout regimen that consist of mild stretches for strengthening of foot and muscles and to reduce the tension on the heel mechanically.

· You should wear fully covered footwear it can help to avoid re-occurrence of the spurs.

· And for chronic heel pain you should consult a podiatrist, so they can you proper treatment, steroids and anesthetic injectables at the site of spur may be advised in severe cases.

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