Tips To Better Sexual Health

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Each year as the holiday season draws to a close, millions attempt a fresh start by making New Year’s resolutions. Individual resolutions vary, but perennial favorites include vows to lose weight or shed bad habits such as smoking. These are worthy goals. But why not put a healthier relationship at the top of your list with resolutions designed to improve your love life? Renowned sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, Astroglide Sexual Health and Wellness Ambassador, considered that proposition and created tips to help you ring in the New Year with a more connected, healthier relationship with the one you love.

1.) Carpe diem! As responsible adults, we sometimes feel obligated to put others’ needs before our own, shutting down libidinal stirrings to attend to an extensive “to-do” list. Seize the moment when you’re feeling frisky! You and your lover will both be thankful for some extra action!

2.) Communicate proactively. Unless your partner is a mind-reader, you must express your desires to get what you want from your relationship. Books like “Sultry Sex Talk to Seduce Any Lover” and “Difficult Conversations” can boost confidence.

3,) Plan your strategy. The start of a new year is an ideal time to get out your calendar and plan at least two days per month to spend together as a couple – plus romantic getaways. Guarantee that your time together will happen by planning time off or arranging babysitters in advance.

4.) Start and end each day with a kiss. Research shows that couples who routinely make loving gestures toward one another are happier overall. Start 2012 off right with a resolution to kiss each night before you go to bed and greet each other with a kiss the next morning.

5.) Make a list of fun things to do together. You never know when a window of “couple time” will open, and all too often, couples are too exhausted to think of where to go or what to do when opportunity strikes. Keep a running list of things you’d like to do together, so you’ll be prepared.

6.) Treat yourselves to a regular massage. It may seem counterintuitive, but getting relaxed actually gets you more revved up and responsive to sex! Treat yourself and your partner to massages, either from a professional masseuse or by giving each other relaxing rub downs.

7.) Do something novel this year. Fall in love all over again by engaging in a new activity as a couple. The possibilities are endless: tango lessons, cooking classes, hiking or kayaking. Such bonding activities can release dopamine, a natural chemical that can enhance your pleasure.

8.) Address personal issues that affect your relationship. Sometimes negative experiences from the past can haunt relationships long into the future. If personal issues are dragging you or your lover down, seek counseling and address them for a stronger, healthier connection in 2012.

9.) Improve your libido through good nutrition. A vow to improve eating habits tops many New Year’s resolution lists, but the stated goal is usually to lose weight or perk up physical health. Good nutrition can heighten your love life too, so identify libido-enhancing foods and eat for better sex.

10.) Sexercise for health and fitness. Having vigorous sex three or more times per week practically guarantees weight loss and provides regular exercise that will have you and your lover feeling better, looking more toned and wanting more.

11.) Feather your love nest. Introduce more sexual energy into your space by sprucing up your bedroom. A change in colors, fabrics and decorations with a focus on erotic, sensual accents can liven up your libido.

12.) Read a book about sex. You can never have enough ideas in the bedroom, and these days, there are so many great reads to choose from to spice things up or learn a new trick or two. Shared reading about sex can add heat to the relationships of even the hottest couples.

Get a sensual start to 2012 by ringing in the New Year with relationship wellness resolutions that will keep you and your lover happy and satisfied until 2013 and beyond. If your plans for 2012 include greater intimacy with the one you love, Astroglide Brand Personal Lubricants can help enhance your experience.

SOURCE: tmrzoo

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