Practice mindfulness to boost energy

Mindfulness is a skill that’s been mastered by every great spiritual leader and is part of almost every spiritual practice that I know of. It will absolutely boost your energy when you learn how to do it. And good news – you don’t have to go to a monastery or a retreat or become a monk to learn it, practice it, and reap its energy-boosting rewards. You can apply it right now, in your own life, in your car, at the gym, at the dinner table, I a conversation with your coworkers or your significant other, or just sitting outside enjoying the summer breeze.

Here’s how to do it. For a few minutes every day, give complete and utter attention to being in the moment, to being fully present in what’s going on around you. If you’re talking to someone, listen carefully to every word. Try actually “recreating” that person’s experience as he talks to you, as if you’re living inside him for a few minutes, understanding what he’s saying, both with his words and his body language.

If you’re at the gym lifting weights, think of the muscle that’s being worked, put your mind into it, imagine it growing, experience the muscle fibers contracting with your effort, the blood circulating through your veins, and your breath filling your lungs with oxygen. If you’re eating flavor. If you’re walking down the street, start paying attention to what’s on the left of you. The right. Notice how loud the street noises are. Hear what people are saying. How many people are in front of you and what color hat is that guy on your left wearing?

Being mindful may feel like a new experience to you. I know it did to me when I first started practicing it. But there’s almost nothing I can think of that will so forward your ability to be present for your life, savor every moment, enrich every interaction, and blow your energy level right out of the water.

The great spiritual masters do this every single moment of every single day. It’s called “being high on life”. And it all comes from the practice of mindfulness, of focused attention, and of being really available for what’s true and happening, right now, in this moment.

So practice mindfulness. Even for a few minutes, every single day. It’s the energy equivalent of wiping your windows with cleaner. All of a sudden, everything looks clear, clean, uncluttered, and new.

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