Get Rid of Warts and Verrucas

Warts are small, round growths on the skin that have a rough, cauliflower-like appearance and, sometimes, tiny black spots in the center. They are caused by a virus, are contagious, and tend to be most common in children and young adults, Warts are most likely to develop on your hands or on the soles of your feet; those that occur on the feet are called verrucas. They do not usually hurt, but verrucas may be painful because walking puts pressure on them – it may feel rather like having a pebble in your shoe.

See your doctor if:
* You are not entirely certain that a new growth on your skin is a wart

* You have warts on your face or around the anus or genitals; these need special treatment.

Treating a wart
You can remove a wart gradually by soaking it, rubbing it with a pumice stone, and applying a salicylic acid wart remover. Instructions for use vary, but many are used as follows.

* First soak the wart for a few minutes in warm water to soften it. Then use a pumice stone to rub the surface of the wart gently. This will help to remove dead skin.

* Isolate the wart with a corn pad, or shield the surrounding skin with petroleum jelly. Apply the wart remover, then cover the treated wart with a plaster.

* Once a week, rub away the treated surface with the pumice stone. Treat the wart until it disappears.

What you can do yourself
Most warts disappear eventually, but it can take a long time – sometimes years. Prompt treatment may, however, help to prevent them from spreading or hurting and can clear them up completely.

* A wart remover is usually effective (see DRUG REMEDIES, below).

* Follow a treatment regime using a pumice stone and salicylic acid wart remover until your wart has disappeared (see PRACTICAL TECHNIQUE).

* A soft insole inside your shoe may help to reduce the discomfort of a verruca.

* Don’t scratch or pick at your warts – this may make them spread. Nailbiting may also spread the infection, so try not to do it.

See your doctor if:
* Your wart does not respond to treatment

* The wart changes in appearance, bleeds, or becomes red, hot, and painful.

Wart and verrucca treatments contain either salicylic acid, which softens warts so that they can be removed easily, or chemicals that freeze warts, causing them to fall off in about 10-14 days. Make sure that you apply these products only to the wart and not the surrounding skin.

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