Indigestion is stomach discomfort that usually occurs after meals, often with nausea, belching, and bloating. It is commonly caused by overindulgence in food or drink, and stress, tiredness, or being overweight can aggravate symptoms. Sometimes indigestion is due to a serious disorder such as a stomach ulcer or gallstones, or is a side effect of medicines such as iron or certain antibiotics.
Make an appointment to see your doctor if:
* You have severe pain
*Indigestion does not seem related to eating
* You are losing weight without trying
* You are over 45 and have only recently developed indigestion
Herbal tea made with peppermint, chamomile, gentian, or fennel may help to relieve symptoms of indigestion.
What you can do yourself
Most bouts of mild indigestion can be dealt with simply by lifestyle adjustments and home remedies.
* Avoid foods or drinks that trigger symptoms.
* Don’t exercise for at least an hour after eating.
* If stress contributes to indigestion, try some methods that help to reduce it.
* Stop smoking, as this may aggravate symptoms.
* Take an antacid, an H2-blocker, or a combined H2-blocker and antacid to relieve symptoms.
* Eat at regular times. You’re less likely to get indigestion if you eat smaller meals more often. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.
* Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen for pain, as they can irritate the stomach. Paracetamol may be a more suitable alternative.
* Try a herbal tea to soothe your stomach (See NATURAL REMDEIS).
* If you are overweight, try to lose weight gradually.
Seek further medical advice if
* Your symptoms become worse
* Symptoms are not improving after a week or two.
* You have recurrent indigestion.
Antacids can relieve indigestion by neutralizing acid in the stomach. Some antacids are combined with dimeticone (also known as simeticone) or an H2-blocker
H2-blockers reduce acid produced by the stomach. Try a short course (not more than 2 weeks) of ranitidine, famotidine, or a combined H2-blocker and antacid if antacids alone are not effective.
Antacids Liquids are more effective; tablets may be more convenient.
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