Glandular fever, also known as infectious monouncleosis, is a viral illness that most commonly affects teenagers and young adults. Mainly spread by kissing, sneezing, coughing, and by sharing cups and glasses, it takes 4-8 weeks to incubate. The symptoms are a sore throat, fever, and loss of appetite and energy that persist for more than a week or two. You may also have swollen glands in your neck and sometimes in your groin and under your arms, and a headache. Glandular fever is not usually serious, and there is no specific medical treatment for it. Recovery can take 4-6 weeks, but you may feel tired for several months.
Arrange to see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and check for complications.
Healthy diet Eaten as part of a balanced diet, certain nutrients are believed to help support the immune system. Boost your diet with lean meat; Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and pilchards; fresh fruit; leafy and dark green vegetables; wheatgerm; walnuts; sunflower seeds; and linseed.
Benefits of fruit
Fresh fruit is a good source of many of the vitamins that are needed to fight infection.
Arrange to see your doctor urgently if you begin to develop :
* Difficulty breathing or swallowing
* Severe headache and a stiff neck
* Chest or abdominal pain
What you can do yourself
Take plenty of rest while your immune system is fighting the virus, and use these simple measures to make yourself more comfortable.
* If you are feeling tired, rest. You may need to stay in bed for the first few days of the illness.
* Take a painkiller (see DRUG REMEDIES) to reduce fever and discomfort. If you have a high temperature, wear lightweight clothes and put a fan in your room.
* Drink plenty of water and fruit juices to avoid becoming dehydrated. Warm drinks will help to soothe a painful throat.
* Try gargling with warm salt water or use an analgesic gargle or spray (see DRUG REMEDIES, right) to provide temporary relief.
* Eating healthy foods may help to support your immune system (see NATURAL REMEDIES).
* Take steps to reduce stress while you are ill and during your recovery.
* Glandular fever can affect your liver, so don’t drink alcohol until you have fully recovered.
* Don’t take part in contact sports or other strenuous activities while you are ill and for at least 6-8 weeks after recovery.
* Stay away from school or work until your fever has gone and your strength and appetite are back to normal.
Painkillers relieve fever and pain. Take paracetamol (see p 187) or ibuprofen.
Gargles and throat sprays relieve a sore throat temporarily. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water to make a soothing gargle. Painkilling gargles and sprays reduce pain and inflammation; some numb the throat, These may not be suitable for children under 12 years.
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