You may develop swollen ankles after a period of inactivity, such as a long car journey or flight, or if you have to spend long periods of time standing up, especially in a hot environment. The swelling is usually caused by a build-up of fluid, as a result of sluggish blood circulation. Your ankles are unlikely to be painful, but you may have an uncomfortable, tight feeling in the skin. The problem can occur with varicose veins, and some women are prone to swollen ankles during pregnancy. Some drugs can contribute to swelling of the ankles, and the problem is sometimes an indication of a heart, kidney, or liver condition.
Make an appointment to see your doctor if :
* You have pain or tenderness in your calf
* One leg is swollen, with no obvious cause
* You are taking a prescribed medicine that may be causing the problem
In-flight exercises During a long flight, do these exercises every 30 minutes to boost blood flow. They will also help prevent the serious disorder deep vein thrombosis ( “economy class syndrome”), in which a blood clot develops in the leg.
* Starting with your feet flat, keep your heels on the floor and lift your toes as high as you can.
* Now lift you heels high, pressing the balls of your feet into the floor. Do these foot pumps for 30 seconds.
* Stretch one leg out in front of you and circle your foot 8 times in each direction. Change legs and circle the other foot.
What you can do yourself
Try the following measures to reduce swollen ankles or prevent a build-up of fluid.
* To relieve swollen ankles, lie down and prop your legs up 15-30 cm (6-12) in) above the level of your heart. Don’t place anything under your knees.
* If you have to stand for long periods, flex your calves every few minutes and wiggle your toes.
* If you are prone to swollen ankles, wear support stockings or tights. Put them on first thing in the morning, before your legs start to swell.
* During long car journeys, stop frequently so that you can stretch your legs.
* On a long flight, exercise your legs (see PRACTICAL TECHNIQUE, right). Try wearing flight socks that use light compression to aid blood flow in the legs.
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration. You body will excrete any excess.
* Wear low-heeled or flat shoes; they make the calf muscles work harder than high heels, which improves circulation in the legs.
* Don’t wear girdles or control-top underwear or tights. Avoid socks or hold-ups with tight elastic.
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