Fitness Weapons & Supplements Facts

This article is in continuation of Fitness Gears and Dietary Supplements
fitness supplements

Briefs or knickers are the under garment worn by men. This under garment supports the organs of excretion and reproduction. This under garment should be fit enough to support the penis and testicles tightly but comfortably and large enough to cover all the gluteus muscles (Butts) properly. The regular use of loose brief may result in hydrocils. During fitness workouts these parts need to be kept tight enough. The upper band (Elastic) of the brief should not exert much pressure on the abdomen muscles and this upper band should not be too narrow. The upper band with the width of more than two inches must be avoided as it will certainly exert undue pressure on the abdomen. The stuff should be made of pure cotton which gives a cooling effect to the skin so the briefs made of nylon or mixture of nylon should be avoided. Stuff of the brief should be skin friendly.

Panties is an under garment worn by women. Regular use of Nylon made panties result in white vaginal discharge (Leucorrhoea) because nylon in constant touch with body will generate heat. This heat gives itching sensation and also gets radiated internally which results in leucorrhoea. Gluteus muscles (butts) of women are surrounded by fatty cells. Due to this the butts seem enlarged. Panties should cover the entire area of butts and the lower bend of the panties should not last on the butts.

Upper band (strip/elastic) of the panties should not exert undue pressure on the abdomen .and at the same time should work as a belt to check the size of the tummy. The fabric of the panties must be skin friendly. The lower bends should not restrict the movement of lower limbs (legs).

Vest is the upper under garment worn by men. This under garment surrounds chest, abdomen, back & shoulders. This garment (vest) should neither be too loose or tight. It should not restrict the movement of upper limbs (arms). Vest should be tight enough to support and keep the bulk of pectoralis major muscles (chest muscles) at their proper place and loose enough to allow the suspension of rib cage on every breath. The upper most strip of the vest should not be wider otherwise it will disturb the arm movement. Vest should not cover the armpits so that evaporation can take place naturally. Vest should not be made of nylon or acrylic stuff which may cause skin diseases due to wetness and sweat. The fibre of the vest should absorb the sweat. as much as possible. Vest stuff should be such which does not produce heat on body touch which may cause heart problems.

Bra is the upper under garment worn by women. This under garment surrounds the upper back, upper abdomen and breast. Like vest this garment should be tight enough to support the breasts at their place and loose enough so that it does not press them unnecessarily. Also it should allow the suspension of rib cage on every breath. Upper most strips of the bra should not be wider so that it does not restrict arm movement. Bra should not be made of nylon or acrylic stuff which may cause skin problems. Bra should not contain cushioned pads inside. Sewing lines should not be in the inner most layers. Lower most strip of the bra should be little wider so that it covers whole of rib cage and the ribs do not remain visible.

If the hair is long then these need to be tied so that there is no obstruction during fitness workouts. Hair band must be tied to keep the hair intact and avoid the dust particles entering them. After tying the hair with hair band, some hair still comes on the face because only long hair can be controlled with hair band. Head band becomes necessary during work outs for women and girls. Head band should not be too tight that it results in the headache or stops die blood circulation to the head. It should not be too loose that comes down frequently. And disturb the work outs. Colour of the hair band and head band should be soothing to the eyes of onlookers as well as match the attire and occasion.

Wearing of sports cap is a must for outdoor work outs. Caps stop the excess heat of the sun rays to be absorbed by the hair and radiated to the head. It also helps to protect the eyes from too much or excessive sunlight. It works like a shield for the eyes. It is a must during swimming type work out but swimming caps are different from the sports caps. Caps must not be too heavy and must be provided with adjustable strip so that it can be loosened or tightened as per the need.
Wrist bands are optional but not bad if used. Wrist bands solve the purpose of sweat wiping only but excessive sweat can not be wiped out with the wrist bands so workout towel is a must. Workout towel not only helps to wipe out the sweat from the face but it also helps to wipe out the sweat from the entire body. So in place of wrist bands towels should be preferred.

Pants, track suits, lowers, shorts and skin tights are the gears which are worn by both men and women in lower limbs (legs). Lower limbs are the organs of locomotion. Lower limbs constitute 34.5 of the total body weight which is nearly l/3rd of the total and always support and bear two thirds of body weight which is nearly 65.5 percent of the total weight. So it is in the case of bones. Out of total 206 bones of the human body 64 bones constitute the lower limbs. Which make nearly one diird of the total bones. The main function of the legs is movement. The clothing of the lower limbs should be such which brings minimum air resistance in movement. Air resistance depends upon the size, shape, spin and velocity of the moving objects. Minimum is the air resistance, maximum will be the speed.

Loose clothes generally resist the air so the clothing of the legs should be tight enough so that no part of it flickers in the air and obstruct its path. This will slow down the body and make the movement slow. Now a day's most of the fitness workouts are being resumed in the gyms on the machines. Loose clothing may prove to be dangerous so as far as possible skin tight gears for legs should be selected. During summer even shorts will serve the purpose of fitness workout to beat the heat but during winter season lower of track pant should be preferred. As far as possible cotton clothe should be preferred. Lower or track suits should be up to ankle length and should not end on calf rustles as it may hamper the functioning of calf muscle.
Lower most strip of the track suit or track lower should not be too tight.

Upper most strip of the pant/track suit or lower should be at least 2 inches wide so that it does not press the lower abdomen. Colour of the clothes should be soothing to the eyes. Eyes. Various shades of blue colour are mostly preferred through out the world as the blue colour is considered to bring the peace and calm effect it also brings cold sensation whereas the red colour gives a hot or burning sensation. As far as blue colour is concerned it is very beneficial for the skin. In naturopathy blue colour is recommended for skin troubles. Blue colour also calms down the anger and checks aggressiveness. So any shade of blue colour should be chosen for the shorts/pants/lower etc. by both men and women.


Shirts/T-Shirts or track uppers are wore by both men and women. It is not mandatory during the hot summers but during winter this attire becomes a necessity. The sole purpose or the upper attire is to keep the body warm so that muscles do not cool down at once. Cold muscles seldom respond. Upper dress should also follow the rule of aero dynamics. Upper clothing should neither be too loose to increase the air resistance nor too tight that it makes the breathing and chest expansion difficult. Upper clothing should not be too long that it comes up to the butts. Fitness workout gears are not meant for the party or social gathering after all. This attire need to give maximum comfort and at the same time allow the body to move in any direction freely. Upper clothing should preferably be collarless with round neck, v-neck and also button less.

High round neck collar should be used during chilled winters but this high neck collar must have some zip so that it can be lowered down alter warm up. .Fabric or the upper should be skin friendly and colour should also match the occasion. Now a days branded companies are manufacturing fitness gears at mass scale and provide a range of variety for the customers to select from. This chapter has been written to help the readers for the sake of handy knowledge of sports gears. Good attire always creates a zeal for the fitness workout. Sports gears are the tools which help the person to mend the bodily machine. Proper tool makes the job easier.

All the constituents of diet along with their function, sources, requirement and draw backs of excess consumption have been already discussed in the previous chapter named 'Fitness, Diet and Nutrition'. So instead of explaining them here let's go directly on to the fitness trends from the dietary supplements point of view. Most of the gymnasiums throughout the world today advise their trainees (customers) to take one supplement or the other in order to build muscles, burn fat and to get Instant energy. They propagate this viewpoint in the method of short cut. Though this book is basically written for the gym-going person, will be asked to switch over to these supplements. So energy aspect related to fitness dietary supplements is being explained here in detail to benefit the readers. After proper knowledge of fitness diet and nutrition, dietary supplements may appear to be useless to the person. Readers can decide for themselves if they are in need of supplements or not.

Muscle Builders

Fitness market is full of the supplements of this group. Most of these supplements come in powder form but some companies have introduced these supplements in liquid form. It is evident from the chapter on diet and nutrition that proteins are the only muscle builders or building blocks. There is no reservoir of proteins in the human body for future use. Excess amount taken on any day needs to be excreted from the body and puts extra work load on excretory system. Natural sources of proteins are the best sources which help the body in digestion, absorption and assimilation. A normal person generally consumes more proteins than the requirement which does not build the muscles but puts extra burden on the system. Growing children need more protein compared to the grown up persons.

Amount of protein intake largely depends on the workout, load and intensity. So proteins are needed in the body according to the workout. I personally had been staying with world famous body builders who became Mr. Asia during my long sports career. I found those body builders never took any supplement though they used to take more and more amounts of eggs, beef, meat etc. with the natural diet and hard work with the iron they successfully build huge muscles on their bodies. One of my roommate body builders used to take soya bean flour with jaggery for breakfast. I saw personally that he never took any muscle builder. He was later became Mr. Asia. In my personal view muscle builders like creatin, creatinin, soya protein powder etc. help to grow the muscle mass but are not the only option. It is your work out which decides your muscle mass. So many other factors are there which contribute significantly in muscle building.

Fat Burners

Nowadays weight shedding is very common among teenagers. Most of them can not check their eating habits which are responsible for accumulation of fat. There are so many brands in the market which claim to burn the excess fat from the body. But the number of fat cells can not be reduced per unit of body area. It is the size of these fat cells which gets reduced temporarily but it raises back its original shape the movement that burners intake is stopped. One cannot keep taking the fat burners throughout life-time. The best way to get rid of the excess fat lies in the low intake of fats and regular physical exercises. If the intake of fat in : the food is reduced and the regular physical exercises are resumed then there is no need for taking these supplements. Intensity of exercises will burn the excess fat from the body.

Energy Drinks/Supplements

There are so many energy drinks available in the market. Some that energy drinks should be taken during the workouts for the instant energy supply. Other than in the case of marathon runners’ instant energy supply is not required for the body. If the energy is supplied instantly then the glycogen/ glucose present in the body will be left unutilized and get converted into fats for accumulating inside the body. More over during workouts body needs water to flush out various systems and not the energy drink. But the persons who are very weak and cannot tackle the work out loads may opt for these energy drinks.

Taking energy drinks is simply a psychological effect during small fitness workouts. So as far as possible energy drinks should be avoided. I myself had been a long distance runner at national level for nearly eleven years and used so practice twice daily for 2-3 hours duration. During my total workouts I never felt any need of any energy drink. On weekends my coach used to be with me on a bicycle during my 26 km. run. He used to give me half glass of plain water once or twice in whole course.
So energy drinks are not mandatory though these may satisfy one's taste or psychological demand of having something to feel energetic.