How Homeopathic System Works In Our Body

Homeopathic System
How Homeopathy medicine affects in human body

Main theory rests on symptomotolgy, desires and aversions, times of aggravation and amelioration, make-up of the patient. Case-takjngis an arduous and tedious task, and each patient case has to be individualized. It is not a system that relies on clinical tests alone, it treats a patient as a whole-and not in isolation-it means symptoms of two patients may coincide or tally but, due to their varied personalities, same medicine may not show identical effect.

That is the only reason why a homeo doctor takes much longer time to diagnose and reperlorise the case of a patient. This is not a science of mass symptoms because, for instance if two patients have backache, they cannot (generally) be prescribed the same medicine because modalities (states of aggravations/amelioration) will vary in both of them; hence the necessity to treat every patient individually. The acumen and experience of a homoeo physician lies in discerning a case, prescribing the most suitable drug in the most appropriate dosage and frequency.

Next tenet of this system pertains to treat the patient as a whole which implies that disease is simply a symptom but not a basic cause. When a person is ill, not only his body but his mind is also ailing. That is to say that mind controls all our body functions and no physical action/malady can take place without involvement, rather fiat, of the mind. You cannot segregate mind and body. Further, our sense organs are merely tools in the hands of mind. If mind is healthy, body is not likely to suffer from ravages of illnesses of various etiologies.

Homeopathy is blamed for delayed action. To a greater extent it is true. Apart from that, it is termed as a harmless and slow acting, system-which is partly true. It is a simple and accepted principle of all systems of treatment that a drug that is capable of eradicating a disorder is equally capable of creating reactions, when given in excess or in the absence of any disorder. It takes longer time to cure because it has to root out the real cause and then fortify defense machenism of human body and render the same so strong that it could wage a war against the invading forces (diseases). If your body is strong enough to withstand onslaught of infections, the impact is not going to be simply minimal.
Due to generally prevailing thinking about homoeo remedies that they are (i) harmless (ii) non-reactant (iii) safe (iv) easy to take, more and more people are getting attracted to it.

Sources of homoeo remedies can be easily divided into following categories

(i) Plant and vegetable sources.
(ii) Chemicals, Minerals and Inorganic Salts,
(iii) Animal Kingdom, and finally,
(iv) Nosodes

Peculiar and Important Characteristics of Homoeo treatment and remedies are as follows :

In acute and emergent disorders either very low potencies or mother tinctures are given to derive quicker relief.

In chronic cases, higher potencies act better and have deeper effect.

Take homoeo remedies as first thing in the morning that is on empty stomach.
The day when higher potency is taken, no other medicine should be taken.
All medicines should be fully protected from sunlight, heat, odors, camphor, scents, smoke and moisture and the vials should be tightly corked.

There is some confusion about use of higher potencies which needs to be dispelled, that is duration of each medicine, as far as repetition of dose is concerned. In most of the cases, for instance, some medicine are to be repeated once daily or on alternate days or weekly, or even once a mouth or quarterly or even annually. The higher the potency of a drug, the longer the gap between two doses. Modern practitioners use even higher potencies 2-3 times a day or after at an interval of hour or even on alternate days.

A remedy, when given to a healthy person, causes certain symptoms, but when the same-remedy is administered to an ailing man, who is having the similar symptoms, it will relieve those symptoms. This principle is known as 'Likes cure likes' which was described as 'Simillia Similibus Curenter' by Dr. Hahnemann, the founding father of this unique system.

Various patients are worse in certain weather conditions, under variable mental states, by ingestion of certain foods, while others do not react at all, or react mildly. These situations, are known as modalities or states of aggravations or ameliorations, Homoeo preparations are available in —

Powders (Trituritions)
Globules and
Mother tinctures

The vehicle used is either sugar of milk or alcohol. Place pillules/Tablets/Powders on tongue or else (still better) dissolve in water. Mother tinctures are prepared from direct extracts of plants and herbs which should be mixed in water in drop-doses. If a patient had been taking allopathic medicines, start with a dose (30th or 200th potency) of Nux Vomica in order to offset effects of previous medication. But, in acute and serious cases, straight away start with the selected remedy.

Some homoeo medicines, if used in good time, are capable of averting/avoiding an operation. But, when operation is the only option left, there ought to be no hesitation - though, it should be performed when all other options have been exhausted. Homoeo medicines can prove ineffective or fail to show desired results when

(i) the case has not been repertories fully
(ii) when there is presence of Dyscrasias (latent blood poisoning).
(iii) the symptoms are oblique or masked.
(iv) the patient is using some other medicinesconcurrently, without sounding or telling his doctor,
(v) the selected remedy is not in conformity with the worked out symptoms.
(vi) the drug is spurious, impure, oldies or not prepared properly,
(vii) the patient flouts with impunity directions of his doctors, resorts to dietary indiscretions,
(viii) the doctor himself is not competent it take note of all the symptoms.

If some clinical tests, x-rays, cat scan, MR! test, ultrasound etc are felt to help in proper diagnosis, there ought to be no hesitation and delay in having same carried out. There is no harm in being more precise and discerning.

Purchase medicines from a reliable retailer or sales outlet where medicines of only reliable companies are stocked.