How to Prevent Bloating and Flatulence?


A bloated abdomen and flatulence (wind) are common complaints, cause by a build-up of excess gas in your digestive system. You may also experience sharp pains and rumbling noises in your abdomen. Most cases of bloating and flatulence are due to food, particularly foods such as beans and cabbage, which produce gas as they are digested. Eating too fast can also cause excessive wind. Certain people find that milk, food additives, or wheat flour can produce symptoms, sometimes, bloating and flatulence are due to a bowel disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome.

See your doctor first
Make an appointment to see your doctor if you also have other bowel symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, blood in your stools, nausea, vomiting, or continual or recurrent abdominal pains.

Herbal teas made with chamomile, peppermint, fennel, or gentian may help to calm a bloated stomach and relieve excess wind.

Soothing tea
Sip a soothing herbal tea to help relieve digestive problems.

What you can do yourself

Try these measures to prevent a build-up of wind or to teat bloating and flatulence.

* Try to identify and cut down on any foods that cause problems. The worst offenders include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, prunes, raisins, beans, and spicy foods.

* You may develop wind or bloating if you add high- fiber foods to your diet too quickly. Reduce your intake, then increase it gradually over 2-3 weeks.

* Eat and drink slowly, and chew food thoroughly. You may find it helps to eat several small meals a day instead of one or two large ones.

* Cut down on beer and fizzy drinks; chewing gum; smoking; and the artificial sweeteners sorbitol and mannitol (found in some sugar-free sweet foods). All of these things may contribute to flatulence.

* Preparations containing dimeticone can be used to treat flatulence.

* Try using charcoal tablets or biscuits to reduce excess wind (See DRUG REMEDIES).

* Try drinking a herbal tea to relieve symptoms (See NATURAL REMEDIES).

Seek further medical advice
Arrange to see your doctor if bloating and flatulence persist after 2 weeks or new symptoms develop.


Dimeticone helps to disperse excess wind. It is usually combined with an antacid as an indigestion remedy.

Charcoal tablets and biscuits help wind in the digestive system to pass easily out of the body.