Itchy anus: causes and prevention

Itchy anus

Anal itching is uncomfortable and may be embarrassing because you will have a strong urge to scratch. The skin around your anus may be red and sore, and may bleed and become infected if you scratch a great deal. Itching is often worse after emptying your bowels, and at night. In most cases, an itchy anus is due to irritation from toiletries, or from sweat, moisture, or traces of faeces left in contact with the skin. People who are overweight, sweat profusely, and/or wear tight-fitting underwear are more susceptible. Sometimes a particular food contributes to the problem. Piles and thread-worms are common causes of itching.

See your doctor first
* You have anal bleeding or a mucus discharge
* You have pain and/or a lump near your anus

Calendula cream is a mild, soothing cream made from extracts of the calendula (marigold) plant. Apply it once a day after washing. Discontinue if you develop a reaction to the cream.

Using calendula
Apply colendula cream sparingly and rug it in lightly.

What you can do yourself
Anal itching can usually be relieved with home treatment, which may also help prevent recurrences.

* Resist the urge to scratch. Cut your fingernails short and wear cotton gloves at night.

* Try a sedative antihistamine to reduce itching and help you sleep.

* Wash your anus morning and evening with plain water and pat the area day. Make sure the area is completely dry – using a hairdryer may be helpful.

* Applying a haemorrhoid cream after washing may soothe itching (see DRUG REMEDIES,). Alternatively, use calendula cream. Place a thin strip of cotton wool or tissue next to your anus to absorb moisture.

* Wash after each bowel movement. When this is not possible, use a moistened cloth or unscented, moist toilet tissues. Use plain toilet tissue after passing urine to
dry yourself thoroughly.

* Wear loose cotton underwear, and change it daily or more often if necessary. Avoid wearing tight-fitting trousers or tights.

* Try to identify and then cut down on food or drink that may be contributing to anal itching, such as beer, coffee, tomatoes, or spicy foods.

Seek further medical advice if:

* The itchiness does not subside after about a week of using the above measures
* You develop any new symptoms or other family members develop an itch.

Antihistamines relieve itching. Taking a sedative antihistamine, available as tablets or syrup, will also help you to sleep.

Hemorrhoid preparations contain ingredients such as zinc oxide that help to soothe the area around the anus. Don’t use them for longer than 6-7 days because you may develop a reaction that causes further irritation.