Top 3 Heart Healthy Habits

heart health

With more and more younger women having heart attacks, it's more important than ever to develop new rules to live by for optimal heart health. These three simple habits are easy to incorporate into any lifestyle and will help keep the heart healthy and free from disease.

Learn to love fish: One study found that younger women who didn't eat fish and other sources of omega-3s had the highest risk of developing heart conditions. Even eating fish once or twice a week is enough to reap all its healthy benefits. If you love to cook, try one of our healthy fish recipes. For anyone who doesn't like cooking seafood at home, make a point to order fish whenever out for dinner. For the vegetarians out there, don't fret: there are plenty of animal-free omega-3 sources out there like chia seeds, flaxseed oil, and edamame.

Start meditating: If it's not enough that meditation can improve your brain function and stress levels, multiple studies have shown that it can improve your heart's function, even among the younger generation. High blood pressure can affect your heart's health, and meditation has been proven to significantly lower blood pressure. Not convinced? Celebs like Katy Perry and Oprah Winfrey believe in the power of meditation!

Find an alternative to diet soda: Even with all the health warnings, the number of young women that continue to regularly drink diet soda is surprising. Besides causing weight gain, drinking diet soda may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by 44 percent. Try seltzer with a splash of fresh juice for that carbonation fix, or a green tea in the afternoon to beat the slump.

Source: Thinkstock