Effective Health Benefits of Pergularia Herb

Pergularia is a perennial, small, twining herb. It has hairy stems with milky juice and broad egg shaped leaves. It has greenish yellow or dull white small flowers in tiny clusters and fruits reflexed in pairs, covered with spinous outgrowths. The entire plant constitutes the drug and is used as medicine.

It contains a bitter resin, two bitter principles and a glycoside possessing physiological action similar to pituirin and several sterols.

Healing Power and Curative Properties

Pregularia is pungent, laxative and antibillious. It is useful in relieving fever and inducing vomiting. The active principles of pregularia resemble pituitrin in their action.

Respiratory Disorders
Pregularia promotes the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from bronchial tubes. It is highly beneficial in the treatment of asthma. The juice from the leaves is used as an expectorant in catarrhal diseases. A decoction of its leaves is given in cough as an expectorant.

Intestinal Worms
The drug possesses anthelmintic properties and finds its use in removing intestinal worms. About 24 grams of the leaves fried in ghee should be taken for a few days.

The herb is beneficial in the treatment of bleeding piles. It should be used in the same manner as for intestinal worms.

Pregularia forms a constituent of a preparation used in rheumatism. The leaf juice can be mixed with the juice of fresh ginger in the treatment. The root bark is also useful in the treatment of rheumatism. It should be given 4 to 8 gram doses with milk. The bark mixed with cow’s milk, can be used beneficially as a purgative in rheumatic complaints.

Women’s disease

The drug is useful uterine tonic. It is beneficial in excessive uterine bleeding. The drug forms a constituent of a preparation given in amenorrhea or abnormal suppression of menses.

Infantile Disorders
The juice of its leaves can be given to treat diarrhea among children

The drug has diuretic properties. It is valuable in Stranguary, that is, the discharge of urine in droplets accompanied by pain.

Skin Disorders

The herb is beneficial in the treatment of several skin disorders. A mixture of leaf juice and slaked lime can be applied to rheumatic swellings hard tumor and cysts. A poultice of the leaves can be applied to carbuncles with beneficial effect.