How to get Acne free face

Many teenagers have acne, and for some it is a distressing and persistent problem. Outbreaks of pimples, blackhead, whiteheads, and cysts occur on the face and sometimes on the chest and back. The cause is a surge of hormones during puberty that stimulates the oil-producing glands in the skin, making them prone to blockage and infection. Acne tends to clear up over time, but the spots may leave scars. Attacks of acne in adult life can be triggered by factors such as stress, changes in the weather, and using certain cosmetics.


Benzoyl peroxide (see p 179), used every day, is an effective treatment for mild to moderate ance. It reduces inflammation, helps destroy bacteria, and prevents new spots from forming. However, it may take up to 2 months before your skin responds to treatment. Use gel or lotion if you have oily skin;use cream for dry skin. Start with a low-strength type and go on to a higher strength if necessary. Continue the treatment until your acne clears up. Don’t use benzoyl peroxide near your mouth or eyes.
Using benzoyl peroxide
Apply the treatment carefully, taking it slightly beyond the area of the spots to prevent them from spreading.

Healthy foods are believed to support the immune system and maintain healthy skin. Boost your diet with lean meat, oily fish such as salmon, fruit, leafy and dark green vegetables, wheatgerm, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and linseed.

What you can do yourself

There are various ways to tackle acne, Start treatment early to reduce the risk of scarring.
* Try a treatment containing benzoyl peroxide to reduce pimples
* Gently wash affected areas twice a day with lukewarm water and a non-oily perfume-free soap. Shampoo your hair daily and keep your hair off your face. Don’t use products such as conditioners.
* Avoid oil-based cosmetics and creams and opt for non-comedogenic products, which do not block pores. Go without make-up for 1 or 2 days a week.
* Try not to rub or touch your face absent-mindedly while you are absorebed in something such as watching TV or reading a book. Keep the phone away from your face when talking.
* Include plenty of healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables in your diet
* If stress makes your acne worse, try strategies that help reduce stress in your life
Seek medical advice
Arrange to see your doctor if :
* Your acne has not improved, or is spreading and is red and weepy, after you have used self-help remedies for 2months
* You are a woman, and you are also growing facial hair and having irregular periods