Health Benefits of Some Super Herbs to Cure Diseases

Herbal unlike synthetic medicines is the most modern medicines, helps to promote the natural functions of the body and also our ancient culture has used plants for the prevention and cure of disease.

Herbal medicine is defined as the use of a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. It helps to treat many conditions like asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome, among others while synthetic medicines refers to drugs whose origins are not primarily organic, but rather are produced via chemical synthesis which you can be bought over the counter at any drug stores, or probably be prescribed to you by your doctor.

Herbal and Synthetic medicines are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider. Be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before having a self-medication.

The qualities of herbs which make them beneficial in treating diseases include:

• Adaptogenic herbs helps to increase the resistance and resilience to stress, enabling the body to adapt around the problem and avoid reaching collapse.

• Anthelminitic herbs gradually help to restore proper functioning of the body, and increase health and vitality.

• Anti-inflammatory herbs help destroy or expel intestinal worms and reduce the inflammatory response of the tissue directly.

•Antimicrobial herbs help the body destroy or resist pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms and help the body stronger to fight infective microorganisms.

•Antispasmodics herb helps to ease cramps in smooth and skeletal muscles as well as physiological tension.

•Astringents herbs serve as a barrier against infection which is helpful to open wounds and burns.

•Carminative herbs it helps to stimulate the digestive system work properly.

•Diuretic herbs helps to eliminate body waste and support the whole process of inner cleansing to prevent potentially corrosive gastric acids, help prevent diarrhea, and reduce the muscle spasms that cause colic.

•Emmenagogues herbs give remedy that affects the female reproductive system.

•Expectorants herbs soothe the removal of the phlegm from the lungs.

•Hepatic herbs help strengthen the liver and in some cases increase the flow of bile.

• Hypotensive herbs are plants use to lower abnormally elevated blood pressure.

•Laxative herbs help to promote bowel movement.

•Nervines help strengthen, restore, and ease anxiety and tension of the nervous system.

•Stimulants help quicken the mind and body.

•Tonics herbs like ginseng helps build vital energy.

source: Mdinfo- Maria Teresa B. Arguelles Pharmacy

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