Vegetarian diet is a healthy alternative for weight reduction

Vegetarianism is a kind of diet as well as lifestyle that excludes the consumption of animal products as food as well as clothing and other purposes. Going vegan is a tough choice. It requires a lot of patience and discipline from someone who is accustomed to eating red meat in their daily food intake.

It may look like as a good alternative but it depends on what type of vegan you are going to be. There are strict vegans, which only eat mainly vegetables and carbohydrate. Sources of protein could be from soybeans and legumes.

There are ovo-lacto-vegetarians who get their protein sources from dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt and eggs but no meat.

The thing about being vegetarian or popularly called as vegan is that, not all nutrients could be found in vegetables and other plant-protein source in order to accommodate the needs of an individual. It is still best that you can include all the food sources in your diet needed by the body for optimum nutrition.

Each of us have different energy requirements based on weight, height, age, race, medical history. Physical activity also plays a vital part for losing weight. It burns calories as well as fats and in turn, builds muscles. Never forget to drink up lots of fluids during strenuous activities and consumption of fruits for added vitamins and nutrients.

Dietary counseling and proper weight management from a dietitian will be of help to you for your step-by-step progress.

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