What happens if a baby starves for 3 days in a hot climate

If a baby starves for 3 days in a hot climate, what changes will take place in her or his total body fluid volume, total blood volume, total plasma volume and total cell volume?

Remember that 60% of infant's body weight is comprised of water therefore water is really vital to them. If you starve a baby for 3 days, the baby will become dehydrated leading to depletion of blood volume particularly the plasma level because plasma contains water. Because of increase plasma concentration, osmosis (drawing of water from lower concentration to higher) occurs. The water will draw from the cells resulting to cellular dehydration.

When a baby starves, there will be nutrient depletion and if this continues, he or she will lose weight and will be malnourished due to catabolism. The organs will not function normally, even the overall development of the baby will be greatly affected because this is the period that the child will be needing a lot of nutrition in order for her to grow. It could also affect her brain development as well. Prolonged starvation could also lead to death of the infant.

source: mdinfo

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