If a young and healthy couple has been trying for a baby for 12 months without success, they must investigate the cause, preferably with the help of an infertility specialist. Some of the reasons that hinder conception are as follows.
Incorrect intercourse
Assess for yourself if you are performing 'peno-vaginal' intercourse in the correct fashion. A marriage may remain unconsummated due to:
• Lack of knowledge about how to perform peno-vaginal intercourse
• Lack of sexual attraction
• Mismatch in sexual orientation
• Difficulties in men such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, an abnormal tightness of the foreskin, Peyronie's disease etc.
• Difficulties in women such as vaginismus, pain during intercourse, tight and unbroken hymen, narrow introitus etc.
If peno-vaginal intercourse is not the problem, have the man’s semen tested for sperm count and motility.
Low Frequency
Conception happens only when sperm meets ovum (egg). Each month one ovum is released by one of the two ovaries. This ovum remains available for about 24 to 48 hours. Ovulation occurs around 14 days before the first day of the next menstrual cycle. About five days before and after this day, including the day of ovulation is when there’s a higher possibility of pregnancy. If the frequency is low, a couple might miss the day of ovulation. It needs only one single intercourse for a woman to get pregnant; however it needs to happen on the day of ovulation or immediately around it.
Artificial lubricant
Artificial lubricants tend to trap sperms and do not allow them to swim towards ovum. Many are also spermicidal in their composition.
You are not ovulating
In some women ovulation either does not occur at all or occur irregularly. This can be found out by a sonography. If ovulation is not occurring, there are several medical reasons and a gynecologist should be consulted for treatment.
Uterine lining is damaged
Endometrium (inner lining of uterus) needs to be healthy for the implantation of the fertilized ovum (zygote) to occur. If endometrium is damaged, pregnancy does not occur. The common causes of endometrial damage are infections including STDs, tuberculosis etc.
Blocked fallopian tubes
Ovum gets transported from ovary to uterus through fallopian tubes. If they are blocked, the possibility of ovum meeting the sperm is hampered. Infections and tuberculosis are common reasons for blocked tubes.
Unable to 'hold on'
There are times, when sperm meets ovum and conception takes place, however uterus is unable to hold on to the pregnancy due to loose/lax mouth of the uterus (cervix) and a miscarriage occurs. There are women who suffer from repeated miscarriages and are unable to continue the pregnancy for nine months.
Combined infertility
In some cases each partner is independently fertile but as a combination the couple cannot conceive together without medical assistance. The cause in such cases is often suspected to be either immunological or genetic in nature.
Unexplained infertility
There are instances when the above mentioned problems don't exist, yet the couple is unable to have a baby. Up to 26 per cent of infertile couples have unexplained infertility. In these cases, abnormalities are likely to be present but cannot be detected by available methods. Even the most experienced infertility specialist is unable to ascertain the reason and the adoption is suggested.
Up to 26 per cent of infertile couples have unexplained infertility
source: Ahmedabad Mirror
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