Don't Let Hidden Gum Disease Spoil Valentine's Day Kisses

Bad breath is more than a turn-off on Valentine's Day – it could be an unpleasant prelude to gum disease and even more serious conditions, warn oral health experts at Eludril and Elgydium.

Halitosis is one of the early symptoms of gum disease which, in turn, has been linked to heart disease and other serious conditions if left untreated.

Bleeding gums are the link as they allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream and contribute to clot formation.

Tackle bad breath at the outset to reduce the chance of gum disease and improve your chances of success on Valentine's Day, advise the makers of Eludril mouthwash and Elgydium toothpaste.

“On Valentine's Day it's more important than ever to make a good impression, so you need to feel confident that your mouth and breath are in tip-top condition,” said a spokesman for Eludril and Elgydium.

“You can buy expensive cards, decadent chocolates and beautiful red roses but if your oral hygiene lets you down, there's little chance that romance will blossom.”

Although many stories exist to explain the origin of Valentine's Day, the act of sending a token of love to someone special is believed to date back to Roman times.

Traditionally, these gestures were sent in secret but more recently it has become the time to show your loved one how special they are to you.

And the very least you can expect is a Valentine's Day kiss in return.

“Bad breath can ruin that special Valentine's Day gesture but it can so easily be avoided,” said the spokesman.

“The main cause is bacteria which results when food becomes trapped in your mouth in difficult to reach areas.

“You can avoid this by brushing your teeth routinely after eating in order to remove every trace of leftover food. You should also brush your tongue and floss between your teeth once a day.”

At one stage or another, most adults in the UK will suffer from gum disease. It is caused by the build-up of dental plaque on our teeth. The first sign of a problem is sore and inflamed gums.

“When identified early, treatment is very easy. However, if left untreated, gum disease can lead to chronically inflamed gums, receding gums, tooth decay and bad breath.”

To help you make the most of Valentine's Day, experts from Eludril and Elgydium have come up with the following advice:

* brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day
* floss every day to reach areas that a toothbrush might miss
* visit your dentist regularly to identify signs of gum disease early on and get them treated promptly
* replace your toothbrush regularly (every three months, or as soon as bristles look worn)
* avoid starchy foods and snacking between meals, eat plenty of fresh vegetables instead.

You should visit your dentist as soon as possible if you should spot any of the early signs of gum disease. The condition can be treated easily and effectively if caught early and need not result in any long-term health issues.

The following are the gum disease symptoms you should be aware of:

* Sore gums or swollen gums – an early sign of gum disease (also known as gingivitis)
* bleeding gums – gums should not normally bleed, so this should be investigated as soon as possible
* receding gums – this suggests the problem has been left untreated for too long.

If you experience local sensitivity and pain, it may well be that the gum has receded, exposing the root of your tooth. If left untreated, a receding gum line will cause your teeth to loosen, move and ultimately either fall out or have to be removed.

Quick, easy and effective treatments are available for those who have detected the early signs of gum disease.

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