What happens when your heart gets low oxygen?

Low oxygen levels will rob you of your eye sight, short term memory, and your energy. Eventually low oxygen levels will weaken your heart muscle.

Read that last sentence again. It is that important.

So how low IS too low?

7 Facts to Remember About Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels

1. When oxygen saturation levels fall below 92%, the pressure of the oxygen in your blood is too low to penetrate the walls of the red blood cells. It is a matter of gas laws.

2. Your insurance company will not pay for oxygen unless your levels fall to 88% oxygen saturation. This has nothing to do with what is best for you, it is just the point at which your insurance is willing to pay.

3. Every time your oxygen level falls below 92% saturation the cells of your body are oxygen starved.

4. When you fail to meet your oxygen needs, every organ in your body suffers the consequences.

5. Low oxygen levels may be present only at certain times.

* when retaining excessive fluid

* when airways are reacting to pollutants

* with respiratory illness

* sleep apnea

* about 3:00am when you wake gasping for air

* with activity when the heart muscle has become weak, though isn’t technically “congestive heart failure”…..yet

6. Recurring low oxygen levels are harmful and should be treated with supplemental oxygen.

7. The problem is that your doctor may not witness your oxygen levels at 88%, and if he doesn’t see that reading on an oxygen meter (oximeter), then most insurance companies will not pay for it, and therefore doctors don’t order it.

Low oxygen levels are definitely something to worry about!

If you feel you may be experiencing low oxygen levels be sure to ask your doctor to check your pulse oximetry reading.

Symptoms are:

* shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing/ dyspnea
* extreme fatigue
* chest tightness
* mental confusion
* tingling fingers
* water retention (especially feet/ ankles)
* chronic cough

If you are experiencing oxygen saturations below 92% now, waiting for your doctor to witness it below 88% and order oxygen is equal to sitting around waiting to get worse.

Whether you have a diagnosed oxygen deficit that you are aware of, or if you think you might have low oxygen levels, it would be a good idea to purchase or borrow a portable pulse oximeter. (oxygen meter)

Your caregivers and loved ones can also be on the look out for blue coloring around your lips.

If your budget doesn’t allow for plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, it is better to use your observation skills.

Using supplemental oxygen is one action you can take immediately to nurture yourself and slow the drain on your vitality. It’s often uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it doesn’t require that you do anything other than use it!

Breath building on the other hand takes focused-consistent effort.

There is a lot you can do to improve your low oxygen levels, but safety comes first! Meet your needs NOW with supplemental oxygen.

Low Oxygen Levels are a Matter of Life and Death!

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