Anemia: Home remedies to prevent

Anemia Symptoms

Because a low red blood cell count decreases oxygen delivery to every tissue in the body, anemia may cause a variety of signs and symptoms. It can also make almost any other underlying medical condition worse. If anemia is mild, it may not cause any symptoms. If anemia is slowly ongoing (chronic), the body may adapt and compensate for the change; in this case there may not be any symptoms until the anemia becomes more severe.

Here are some effective home remedies to treat:

1. Mix together two teaspoons each of honey, lemon juice and gooseberry juice. Add a cup of water and d rink on an empty stomach.

2. Mix a tablespoon of gooseberry juice with a ripe, mashed banana. Consume this thrice a day.

3 Extract juice from an orange. Mix it with a mashed banana. Take this twice daily.

4. A banana taken with a tablespoon of honey does wonders to cure one of anemia.
5. Drink a cup apple juice on an empty stomach in the morning, and once before going to bed.

6. Beetroot juice combined with apple juice is an excellent remedy for anemia.

7. Mash banana and curd and a little sugar to it. Beat well. Take once a daily and eat for a month.

8. Soak a teaspoon of fenugreek in a cup of water overnight. Drink the water and eat the seeds.

9. A teaspoon of the juice from raw turmeric, mixed with honey, should be taken every day for the treatment of this condition.

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