Take precautions to avoid bad food allergy reactions

Food allergies are very common today. Experts think about 8 percent of children and many adults have food allergies.

Various people have food intolerance but not food allergies. Food intolerances can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas or diarrhea. These symptoms usually go away quickly and are not life-threatening like food allergies.

Food allergies can cause severe reactions. A life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis can cause suffocation and extremely low blood pressure. The throat can swell shut, and the airways of the lungs can tighten.

Some parents do not suspect a food allergy problem until a child is rushed to an emergency room.

Food allergic reactions can also include hives, rashes, eczema (scaly, itchy skin), stomach cramps, dizziness and mild wheezing. Some allergic people first get a tingling sensation in their mouths.

A number of food allergy patients seem to outgrow their allergies as they mature.

As of 2006, it is easier to avoid foods that cause dangerous allergic reactions. Thanks to a federal law, manufacturers must now carefully label U.S. packaged foods that contain major food allergens.

Eight foods and the ingredients that contain their proteins cause as much as 90 percent of food allergies. They are peanuts, tree nuts (such as almonds, pecans and walnuts), soybeans, wheat, fish, shellfish, eggs and milk.

Manufacturers must clearly identify these food allergens in their main ingredients list. Many manufacturers also voluntarily include a "may contain" section on labels if they use the same equipment to make different products.

The federal law also requires the food source names to be included rather than just technical names. For example if lecithin (soy), flour (wheat) and whey (milk) are used, the label might say "contains soy, wheat and milk."

Food additives like sulfites can also cause serious allergic reactions.

Prompt medical care is needed for someone with a serious food allergic reaction. A shot of epinephrine (adrenaline) using an auto-injector (for example, an EpiPen) can often help prevent more dangerous reactions.

What you should do

Avoid any foods that can cause allergic reactions.

Don't ignore mild symptoms. Mild symptoms can become more severe in a very short time.

If you suspect food allergies are causing problems, get a professional test from a board-certified allergist. Learn which foods contain ingredients that can harm you or someone you feed.

Buy fresh, unprocessed foods. You are more likely to know what you are eating without additives and other processing that can increase risk. Many unprocessed foods are also likely to have greater nutritional value.

If you are not absolutely sure whether a product contains an allergen, do not buy it.

Read ingredient labels completely before purchasing and eating a food. Even if you have safely eaten an item in the past, check the ingredients and "may contain" list every time you buy a product. Manufacturers can change their ingredients. They can also use the same equipment to make another product that could have included an allergen.

Be prepared for accidental contact with a dangerous food. Wear an alert bracelet or necklace describing the allergy. Carry an emergency epinephrine shot and Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to reduce symptoms until you get to an ER.

During a serious food allergic reaction, get medical help immediately to be taken to an ER even if you have already received an epinephrine shot.

Avoid cross-contaminating foods with other foods that could trigger reactions. This duty is also important for anyone who is preparing food for others.

Avoid having foods in your home that could trigger an allergic reaction in a family member.

For mild food intolerance symptoms, work with your health care provider to discover causes. Your provider might want you to eliminate just certain foods from your diet to test whether they are causing a reaction like diarrhea.

Look out for friends and relatives who have food allergies. Don't pressure anyone to try a food. Don't exclude a friend because of a food allergy. Learn what foods a person must avoid. Learn about emergency medication a friend must take and what to do in an emergency. Don't ignore someone's food allergy reactions.

Students should introduce themselves to dining hall managers to get help on food choices at school or college.

A person with food allergies should follow their health providers' advice.

source: commercialappeal

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