Effective Home Remedies For Diarrhea

1. A teaspoon of fenugreek powder with buttermilk is an effective antidote for diarrhea.

2. Chew guava leaf for acute diarrhea

3. Mix a little salt with lime juice and drink it without adding water.

4. Mix a pinch of salt with a tablespoon of ginger juice and drink it.

5. Swallow a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a tablespoon of curd for immediate relief from diarrhea

6. Mix together a teaspoon each of cumin seed powder into a thick paste. Take a teaspoon thrice a day.

7. Black tea is very effective against diarrhea.

8. Mash a ripe banana with a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of tamarind pulp. Take this twice a day.

9. Make an infusion with a teaspoon of cumin seeds. Add pinch of salt and teaspoon of fresh coriander juice. Drink twice daily for three days.

10. Take milk in which three flakes of garlic have been boiled.

11. Make a paste of one green chili with half a teaspoon of camphor and two tablespoon of lemon juice. Take a quarter teaspoon of this paste.

12. Drink a weak tea with a quarter teaspoon of cardamom powder in it.

13. Extract juice from tender curry leaves. Mix it with a teaspoon of honey and drink it.

14. Soak three teaspoon of coriander seeds overnight in water. Mix this with a cup of buttermilk and drink.

15. Shred apple and leave for 20 minutes till brown. Eat these shreds.

16. Infuse a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg powder into a ripe banana and eat this.

17. Grind a handful of mango flowers, mix with water and drink.

18. Chop two apples and boil the pieces in milk, and drink the milk with the pieces.

19. Mix together ginger powder, pinch of salt, and jaggery. Add it to water and drink.

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