Change Frequency For Higher Energy

Every type of energy – electrical, physical, mental, spiritual – has a frequency. And a frequency tune-up can be just the thing you need to get more energy in your life.

Let me explain.

Every living thing – you, me, pets, even plants, tress, and vegetables – vibrates, if you will, to certain frequencies, and the lower, darker frequencies are perceived as “negative” while the higher frequencies are perceived as “positive”. There are color analogies to this – light and dark being the most obvious – and musical analogies (major and minor), but the fact that there is a continuum of “negative” and “positive” energy is not in doubt.

Our feelings and our thoughts are like mixing boards for that energy. They can turn it up; turn it down; and noise, interference, and static; and ultimately crash the system (which is almost always what you perceive as crushing fatigue).

“Emotional stress takes away your energy and drains you”, says my friend Aleta St. James, who became a national news item when, in 2005, at the age of fifty-seven, she became the oldest woman in the United States to give birth to twins. Now, at this writing, sixty years old and a single mother of two, she has more energy than most people I know, frequently goes 14-hours days, shows no sign of slowing down, and leaves most people in her wake, feeling like can’t keep up.

St. James knows that she’s talking about when she talks about energy. She’s a life coach whose stock in trade is something called energy medicine. In her own practice she does what’s called energy transformation, helping people make the kind of life shift (also the title of the book she wrote about her experience) that allows them to leave behind most of the energy-sapping negative emotions and generate replacements from the “light” end of the spectrum. Not for nothing do they call the process of giving up anger and stress “lightening up”.

“Worry, anger, and stress totally take away your energy and drain you,” St. James told me in a recent conversation. “But it’s not just about thinking positively and telling yourself everything’s going to be fine and that there’s nothing to worry about. It’s actually learning how to shift yourself out of feeling these negative feelings and to begin to actually reprogram yourself to feel and think positively”.

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