Effective Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

ash gourd

Ash gourd a low calorie, wholesome and nutritive fruit

Ash gourd, also known as white gourd or wax gourd is an annual hairy climbing herb. It is an ash colored large vegetable fruit like pumpkin. It is commonly cultivated for its nutritive and medicinal values.

An analysis of ash gourd shows substantial amount of moisture and a little amount of protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrates. Its mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. its calorific value is 15. The seeds contain pale yellow oil.

Healing Power
Ash gourd is wholesome and nutritive. Being low in calories it is particularly useful for diabetic and obese people. It is cooling and laxative. This herb increases the secretion and discharge of urine. It promotes libido and is useful periodic attacks of hysteria and convulsions.

Peptic ulcer
The diluted juice of ash gourd is beneficial in treatment of peptic ulcer. The juice squeezed out of the grated ash gourd with equal amount of water added to it should be taken daily in morning on an empty stomach. No food should be consumed for 2 to 3 hours afterwards. This also relieves inflammation in the alimentary canal.

Ash gourd acts as a blood coagulant. From ancient times its fresh juice mixed with one teaspoon of amla or lime juice is used as a specific medicine to stop profuse bleeding from lungs and nose, in piles and haematuria, a disease characterized by the presence of blood cells in the urine.

General Debility
A delicious sweet prepared from pulp of the fruit by boiling its pieces in water and adding sugar syrup to it is used as a medicine to increase its weight, in tuberculosis, weakness of the heart, heat in the body, thinness of semen and anemia.

Intestinal Worms
Shell seeds of ash gourd are anabolic that promotes tissue growth especially when taken with coconut milk. They expel tape worms from the intestine.

The peel and the seeds of ash gourd, boiled in coconut oil are useful in hair growth; prevent dandruff and dryness of the scalp.

Other uses
Detoxifying effects: Due to its diuretic action, ash gourd increases the output of urine and washes out waste products from the body.

The unripe fruit is cooked as a vegetable. The ripe fruit is largely used for making sweetmeat. The young leaves and buds are also cooked.

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